Invitation to the Finnish Human Rights Centre’s side-event on rights of older persons belonging to minorities and indigenous peoples


The Finnish Human Rights Centre warmly welcomes you to participate in our side-event on the rights of older persons belonging to minorities and indigenous peoples. The side event is organized in connection with the UN Human Rights Council’s 51st session.

The side-event takes place in Geneva. You can also attend remotely. Persons accredited to the 51st session of the Human Rights Council can participate on the site in Geneva.

Side-event: Rights of older persons belonging to minorities and indigenous peoples - Report of the UN Independent Expert on rights of older persons’ country visit to Finland

Date & time: Tuesday 20 September 2022 15:00-16:00 CET (at 16:00-17:00 in Helsinki, Finland)

Venue: Palais des Nations Room XXV / Webex

Programme: See below

Registration: Registration for the event is via this link: . Registration is open until Friday, September 16th. For persons attending remotely, a participation link will be sent to you later by e-mail.

Information on how we process your registration data:

Claudia Mahler, Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons at the UN Human Rights Council, paid a country visit to Finland in 2021. The purpose of the visit was to prepare a report on the legislation related to the rights of older people and on the implementation of their rights in Finland. The report will be presented to the Human Rights Council on 51st regular session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva.

The Human Rights Centre, which is part of the Finnish Human Rights Institution, organizes a side-event in connection with the regular session in Geneva. The side-event focuses on the rights of older persons belonging to minorities and indigenous peoples, such as the Sámi. The objective of the event is to disseminate the findings and recommendations of the Independent Expert’s report, discuss the findings and specific recommendations on the rights of older persons belonging to minorities and indigenous peoples, and give a voice to civil society representative working on older persons rights in Finland to hear their views on the findings of the report.

Sirpa Rautio, Director, the Finnish Human Rights Centre

More information:

Katariina Huhta, Assistant, the Finnish Human Rights Centre



Opening remarks: Sirpa Rautio, Director, the Finnish Human Rights Centre

Presentation of the report and in particular the findings and recommendations concerning older persons belonging to minorities and indigenous peoples: Claudia Mahler, the UN Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons

Finland’s perspective to Independent Expert’s country visit to Finland: Kirsti Kauppi, ambassador, Permanent Mission of Finland to Geneva

Comments from a Finnish NGO representative: Eva Rönkkö, diversity planning officer

Finnish Association for Pensioners

Q&A session


Concluding remarks: the Finnish Human Rights Centre