About us

Human Rights Centre
The Human Rights Centre is an autonomous and independent expert institution whose task is to monitor and promote the implementation of fundamental and human rights and increase cooperation and exchange of information between various actors.
Read more about Human Rights Centre and its activities
Human Rights Delegation
The Human Rights Centre has a 20 to 40-member Human Rights Delegation, whose members broadly represent the Finnish human rights actors.
The Delegation functions as a cooperative body in the field and helps to intensify information flow between the different actors. It also deals with human rights issues of a far-reaching significance and principal importance.
Read more about Human Rights delegation and its activities
Parliamentary Ombudsman
The Parliamentary Ombudsman oversees and promotes the legality of actions taken by public authorities and the implementation of fundamental and human rights.
The Ombudsman examines complaints, takes initiatives on his own and carries out inspections at offices and institutions, in particular at prisons, military garrisons and other closed institutions.
Read more about Parliamentary Ombudsman
National Human Rights Institution (NHRI)
The Human Rights Centre, its Human Rights Delegation and the Office of the Parliamentary Ombudsman together form a national human rights institution. All parts of the NHRI are imparcial and independent.