The Human Rights Centre gave a statement on the CoE Committee of Ministers' draft recommendation on combating hate speech


The Human Rights Centre gave on 6 August 2021 a statement on the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers' draft recommendation on combating hate speech.

In its statement the Human Rights Centre draw attention to hate speech that women, minorities, people with disabilities as well as journalists and human rights defenders face. 

The Human Rights Centre's statement included among other things the following:

  • Specific attention to women and girls as victims of hate speech would increase the value and relevance of the recommendation, in stead of a mere reference to another recommendation.
  • Minorities, indigenous peoples and persons with disabilities face hate speech which easily remains invisible.
  • The role of media in combating hate speech should be highlighted.
  • Non-Governmental Organisations, Equality Bodies and Civil Society Organisations need sufficient resources to promote the measures outlined in the recommendation and its addendum.

You can read the whole statement in English here.

You can find the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers' draft recommendation on combating hate speech on the website of the Council of Europe here.